
Wednesday 29 April 2015

The ANZAC Service 2015 by Lucy

Red Hat Thinking
I was in the line of room eight students holding on to one red poppy.  I felt nervous but okay as I knew I was privileged.  
As the New Zealand flag went down to half mast I had many thoughts.  I thought of the soldiers who served for our country.  I also thought of Granddad.  I missed him.  My great granddad fought in World War Two.  He survived and lived till 94 and only died a few years ago. 
Lots of speeches were shared; I listened and took in all the information.  I thought it was very good and very interesting with lots of thoughts rushing through my head.  
When it was time to lay the poppies, I felt honoured and special as it was a century ago that it all happened.  I walked along the concrete, lay my poppy and said in my head, "We will remember them."

By Lucy Goodwin


  1. Wow Lucy! This is really good and very well written! You could be a writer when you grow up!

  2. What a very well written story Lucy. Your a really good writer and it's great that you thought about your great grandfather. Well done Lucy.
