
Saturday 24 October 2015

Otiwhiti Station Visit

Last Friday, all of our year eights went on an agricultural science visit out to Otiwhiti Station at Otairi.  It was planned by Mrs Taylor, our specialist science teacher, to give us an idea of what is involved in farming careers, and the school and tertiary subjects best for agriculture diplomas and degrees.
Mr and Mrs Duncan, the owners of Otiwhiti organised lots of really interesting, fun activities and we had an awesome day, with lots of great things to learn and great people teaching us. 
Jed McAlley is the farm manager and along with all the farm cadets who are in training, he taught us all about dog training, shearing, horse riding, and lots of farming skills.  The cadets told us about the subjects that they are studying and how they are going to get the credits they need.  
Highlights for us: definitely the shearing skills challenge, the horse activities, and of course, the great lunch shouted for us by the Duncan's and cooked for us by Sue.  
It was a really good field trip for all of us, and we thank the Duncan family, Jed and Sue, all the cadets and staff at Otiwhiti for their time and giving us a great farm experience.  Also, thanks to Mr Black and Mrs Woolley who drove us and stayed for the day with us.
We want to thank Mrs Taylor for all the science programmes and teaching this year.  We have learned so much and really enjoyed all the lessons, especially the field trips and the biology and dissection work with Mr Walshe, our vet.

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