
Tuesday 11 August 2015

PNBHS Stage Band Concert

Some of our class, parents and teachers were at the Palmerston North Boys High School concert last Saturday night, here in the Hunterville Town Hall.  We had a real connection with one member of the band, ex Hunterville pupil, Patrick Takurua!  He is a really good musician who plays keyboard for the student Stage Band.

The whole idea of the concert here was to fund raise for the band's trip to Australia to play in a band competition and to attend band training with some world-renowned musicians. The whole concert was arranged by the band organisers, and in particular by Patrick's mother and family.

It was a really neat concert, and the student band play a wide range of music from old time tunes to modern songs. Another awesome item was the OK Chorale, which is the group of PHBHS boys who sing all sorts of really cool songs with no band or even a piano with them.  They sing in all sorts of harmony, and they are all really good singers, from bass to 
soprano and sound so cool.

It was a great to have live musicians here in Hunterville, and the concert was really well organised.  There was a lot of talent and it was really fun for the audience, which ranged from ten year olds to some grandmothers and grandfathers. 

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