
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Stu Duval Visits Hunterville School

We are so lucky to have had Stu Duval come back to Hunterville to share his books, stories and very clever chalk pastel artworks.  A few years ago he visited us, and lots of us could remember the stories, artworks, and music that Stu presented in his show.  
Stu is a really interesting, exciting story teller, and everyone in the hall had their total attention held for the whole time he was presenting!  Our story today was set on the east coast in the early days of the settlement of Aotearoa New Zealand.  It was a great story, which started with Stu drawing a really neat picture of a beach setting, with a cottage on top of cliff, which was where the main character lived.  He was a man who left a ship and became the first settler in the remote bay, which later was known as Dynamite Bay, directly as a result of the main complication at the end of the story.

We have lots of Stu's books in our library, and he showed us two new books that he has written this year.  One of them is part of a series of fun books, and the other one is a serious, 'dark' book.  
Below are some pictures showing Stu at work drawing, and story telling this morning...


  1. Hi Room 8
    I really enjoyed listening and watching Stu Duval. He has amazing stories topped off with fascinating chalk pictures. I wish I could draw like that. I have read a lot of his books and I really enjoy how they are all completely different. Altogether it was amazing listening to him and learning about his childhood.
    By Rebecca Hurley

  2. Hi Room 8
    It was really exciting with Stu Duval. It was cool how he did a picture of Dynamite Bay.
    I wish I could draw like Stu and I hope he comes again to Hunterville School.
    From Brodie Gray.

  3. hi hunterville school its me Keegan Brimelow hows it going
