
Saturday 18 February 2017

Cellphone Persuasive Writing by Aimee

Should kids have phones?

Should kids have phones? That's a good question. Some people think having a phone is bad but I disagree. I strongly believe that kids 10 and over should have a phone.

Of course there are some things bad about phones like going online and also, kids can get cyber bullied and sometimes that can affect some kids academic performance and their self confidence, etc.

But there are also so many reasons why kids should have phones such as personal safety. So many things can go wrong like fire, earthquakes, getting lost, feeling sick, etc so it is good for kids to have phone so if anything does go wrong they can ring their parents, extended family or an emergency line.

Other factors why kids should have phones:
  • Responsibility. A phone gives a kid a reason to be responsible.
  • Trust. Phones aren’t cheap so giving a phone to your kid tells them that you trust them with something of value and that you trust them to be sensible and responsible with it.
  • Social communications. Cell phones are mostly used to keep in touch with friends and family via text, calls and social media. Children use their phones to text, tweet and post their feelings and opinion on line.
  • Extended or Military families. Cell phones can help children keep in touch with their extended family like grandparents, aunties and uncles. They can also keep in touch with family in the army.
So there you have it!  Some people don't believe in children having phones, but I strongly believe that children should have phones for safety and keeping in touch with family and friends.
Image result for phones

By Aimee

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee. You have made some thoughtful arguments and it is quite persuasive!
    How old were you when you got your first cellphone?
    Mrs Dalley
