
Saturday 18 February 2017

Rodeos Should Be Banned - Persuasive writing by Zoe

Rodeos Should Be Banned
Should rodeos be banned? Some people say rodeos are great entertainment for people and are exciting for the contestants. Others believe rodeos are inhumane and dangerous. I very strongly believe rodeos should be banned in all countries.

People who compete in rodeos voluntarily put themselves at risk but the animals have no choice. Many animals have died or suffered life threatening injuries during or before rodeos. Once, a terrified, screaming young horse burst from the chutes at the Can-Am rodeo slammed into a nearby fence, and broke her neck. This is just one of the things that can happen or has happened to animals during a rodeo.

Many animals are sold to slaughterhouses due to serious injuries during a rodeo. Dr C.G. Harber, a vet who spent 30 years as a federal meat inspector, saw animals with as much as 6-8 ribs broken and at times they were puncturing the lungs. Injuries like these usually occur when animals are thrown in calf roping events or jumped on by people on horseback during steer wrestling.

The preparation towards a rodeo is traumatizing for the animals. Normally docile animals are made to display ‘wild’ behaviour. In some cases a strap is tightly cinched around animals’ abdomens causing them to buck, which can cause painful wounds.  Electric prods and spurs are also used to rile animals. Before entering the ring, cows and horses are sometimes prodded with an electric hotshot so that the pain will enrage them.

Therefore I conclude that rodeos are brutal, heartless events. My dream is that one day someone somehow will put an end to this cruel sport.                          
By Zoe

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zoe.
    I think your persuasive writing is going to persuade lots of people when they get to read it carefully!
    You've written a good variety of sentences and some great paragraphs!
    Mrs Dalley
