
Sunday 6 March 2016

Flag Debate by Daisy

March 2016
I strongly believe that it is a completely horrible idea to change New Zealand's perfectly fine flag.

My first reason for this argument is the cost: this change will cost just under twenty-six million dollars for just two referendums! The debate is a complete waste of money. John Key is worrying about the flag, but meanwhile, there are children going to school without shoes, lunch and warm clothes and elderly people are living in cold damp homes, without access to affordable medical care.

Secondly, we have had the flag for over a century, and tens of thousands of soldiers fought for our country under this original flag, with over twenty thousand of those soldiers dying. In just the first world war!

Thirdly, my thoughts towards the other flag options are not very strong at all. I feel that the flags do not represent our country as much as the current flag. For example, the Union Jack on our flag represents how New Zealand was once a British colony, for better or worse, and that won’t ever change.  The blue stands for the sky and sea and the stars represent the southern cross signifying New Zealand's location in the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

My last reason is, I think that by introducing the flag debate, John Key is making a distraction to stop people from thinking about the TPPA, Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.  Also all the other things he did that I believe were not appropriate.

So after reading this persuasive piece, I hope that you have changed your mind or think even more strongly against the idea of changing our precious flag.
By Daisy L

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