
Sunday 6 March 2016

NZ Flag Debate by George L

The Flag Should Go In The Bin!
The flag has been around for over a century and I strongly believe it needs to go. Below are three great reasons why it should be replaced.
Firstly, the present flag looks like the Australian flag.  Richie McCaw says that when he is playing in a Bledisloe Cup match he glances up and gets confused over what flag is his.
The current New Zealand flag.      Flag of Australia.svg
New Zealand                                                   Australia
Secondly, this flag has a United Kingdom Union Jack on it and the leaders of the United Kingdom got 25,750 New Zealanders killed in World War One and under Winston Churchill, England’s prime minister then,  31,633 New Zealanders were killed in World War Two.
Finally, the Union Jack means nothing to New Zealand now.
When I think of New Zealand I think of the silver fern. So the new flag is perfect.
This design of a white fern with the Southern Cross constellation secured the most preliminary votes in a referendum, the New Zealand government announced Friday. Final results will be announced Tuesday, with the winning design pitted against the country's current flag in a second vote in March 2016.
By George L

1 comment:

  1. Some great arguments for and against the flag Room 8. I am so impressed at the persuasive features in your work! I look forward to counting the school's vote to see what the children of Hunterville think!
